Part of Salford City College Group

10 September 2020

Over the last few months Computer Science students from FutureSkills at MediaCityUK have been working hard through the lockdown to help the wider community with their digital needs. The Virtual Volunteers programme was set up by the Manchester YMCA. The I.T, Computing and Games Design department had already been working with the YMCA on their Mental Health Wellbeing initiative and this project followed shortly after. The project aim was set up to increase social value in young people through virtual volunteering opportunities. Students from the I.T, Computing & Games Department at FutureSkills have formed a virtual team. The team have been using their expertise in social media and technology to create a guide on digital inclusivity which will support the older generation and others who may want to learn more. The booklet has been distributed far and wide across the region and has been received incredibly well by the public.
Nicole Joseph, Head of T.Y.S and Engagement, said: "The YMCA and FutureSkills have developed a successful partnership over the past few months, collaborating on a digital volunteering project.  Computer Science, students have put their knowledge and skills to great use creating content on using technology to keep safe, keep connected and to keep busy."
She added:  "Their work is to be collated and put with the intention of enabling people of all ages to access and use technology more effectively.  The work that the students have produced is absolutely fantastic. We hope to continue working together on the future to create purposeful opportunities to help young people." The students took great satisfaction from their work being valued and used in this way.
FutureSkills student, Ben Hardman, explained: “Being part of the solution makes you feel better about yourself and your life, it’s important that you feel you can and do make a difference.”
It’s not too late to apply for I.T, Computing & Games at FutureSkills at MediaCityUK, click here for more information.